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Our Services

Next Generation Agile Transformation: Leveraging ecosystem innovation across the enterprise 

Design your organization to nimbly rise to disruptive threats and claim bold original opportunities in a changing world. 

We help you transform a powerfully creative enterprise


Today, it's good to be good at creative change. In a fast moving world, success is increasingly determined by an organization's ability to repeatedly deliver bold new ideas at scale.  

Whether your organization is a commercial business, a government agency, or a passionate non-profit, game changing leaders are now expected to envision and execute innovations that claim new opportunities and sidestep disruptive competitors.  

In short you need an organization that can deliver powerful ecosystem innovations.  As opportunities present themselves, a flexible Agile 3.0 organization can reimagine its offerings, engage new partners, weave in new technologies, and use its existing capabilities in new creative ways.   

  • Agile 3.0 Enterprise Design  We work with your leaders to develop a big picture strategy for shifting the organization from fixed locked in functions, to one that flexibly responds to new opportunities. We can help you design a new way of working where enterprise level creativity delivers a series of big original ideas. Learn more about what goes into creating these powerful Agile 3.0 organizations.  
  • Agile Portfolio Management:  Creative innovation often comes with a deluge of projects and ideas.  We can work with you to develop a systematic approach for managing a host of new endeavors that require inputs and support from across the organization.  Empower bold creative action without being overwhelmed by the chaos of change and fast moving opportunity.  
  • Agile Leaders / Choreographer Roles / Nimble Culture:  Create the roles and develop the skills that make agile enterprises successful.  Our role design, coaching, and training provides your leaders and choreographers with the skills and structure they need to be effective. Broader training programs can share the excitement that comes from flexible ways of thinking and acting, fostering the dynamic organizational culture needed  to support bold creative change.  

Support for Your Organization's  Creative Mission


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