I Love Stupid Dreams ... (and you could too)
Oct 12, 2023
By: Dan McClure
This is an article I wrote after talking with a friend who confessed that she had a 'stupid dream' for her life. It wasn't that her aspiration didn't make sense or was irrelevant in the world where we live. In fact it was a great dream, one that I could entirely imagine her doing with passion and impact in the world.
It was 'stupid' only because it was unconventional and didn't have a familiar established path to make it real. It was the kind of dream that a casually insensitive teacher, partner, or parent might dismiss out of hand just because it didn't fit in the obvious boxes of work and employment that most lives are squeezed lives into.
And yet, perhaps because I'm an Innovation Choreographer, someone who naturally wants to reshape and remake conventional boxes, I LOVE stupid dreams. They are at the heart of bold imaginative possibilities. And, on average, I've found that stupid dreams are a whole lot more fun!
But in this article I go further, pointing out that a well imagined but unique dream is perhaps the best way to thrive in today's incredibly dynamic and changing world. Read the whole article here ... I Love Stupid Dreams
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